Biggest myths about launching an online course

how to launch my online course kajabi expert launch queen Aug 05, 2022
biggest myths about launching an online course

Just a few of the biggest myths about launching an online course 🙅🏼‍♀️

👉🏼 you need a big social media following… FALSE! Growing your following is part of the launch.

👉🏼 you can only launch a program once… NOPE! Launching a program over and over again is how you scale and grow.

👉🏼 you should feel 100% ready when launching your first course… WRONG! Growth doesn’t happen in your comfort zone, take that leap.

👉🏼 you have to be super tech-savvy to build a course… NAH! Bring on support so you don’t have to do this alone, and spend your time creating and doing what you love. Stay in your zone of genius and leave the rest to someone else ✨


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