Hi, I'm Kate. Kajabi Expert & lead launch Queen

how to launch my online course kajabi kajabi expert kajabi specialist launch queen Aug 05, 2022
Girl in sparkly jacket smiling

Hi hi, I’m Kate

Plant talker, moon dancer, gym enthusiast, and kitten foster mum.

When I’m not doing all those things, I help business owners turn their passion into passive income. This is through course creation, web design, funnels and marketing.

A few other things about me:

🌞 Libra sun 🌜Gemini moon πŸ¦‹ Scorpio ascending

🌍 I’ve lived in three countries. I’m a South African, that sounds English, living in Perth, Australia.

🐱 I foster neo-natal kittens with Perth Rescue Angels. Yes, I spend a lot of time herding cats.

πŸͺ΄ I collect rare indoor plants... But I’m usually too busy to keep them alive.

β˜•οΈ My go-to coffee order is a hazelnut latte - I’m basic.



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