How long should your course build & launch take? 🚀

how to launch my online course kajabi specialist launch queen Aug 05, 2022

I get this question a lot and the answer usually surprises people, especially the people that think they they should cram a course launch into 2 weeks “just to get it over with”🙈

If you allow yourself 60 to 90 days for your course build + launch, it can be such a fun process! If you’re burnt out and overwhelmed, you’re doing it wrong 🙅🏼‍♀️ it doesn’t have to be that way!

Realistically, if you cram a launch into 2 weeks:

👉🏼 do you confidently believe you will hit your 5 or 6 figure launch goal?

👉🏼 are you showing up as your best self during the launch process?

👉🏼 will you have the mental capacity to be the best coach you can be for your clients after trying to load 90 days worth of work into two weeks?

Allow yourself time to enjoy the process and let your creativity flow naturally 🦋


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