⚡️The ultimate course sales page checklist ✨

kajabi expert kajabi specialist launch queen sales page Aug 05, 2022
Launch Queen

⚡️The ultimate course sales page checklist: ✨

✔️ A story - introduce the problem

✔️Create a connection - introduce the solution (your course)

✔️ Talk about the benefits of taking your course

✔️ Show up with HUGE bonus value 🔥

✔️ Build social credibly - introduce the coach

✔️ Testimonials

✔️ Answer any questions or objections that may arise

✔️ Pricing options with a clear call-to-action 🙋🏼‍♀️

You could have the most kick-ass marketing strategy out there or the most life changing course, but if your sales page isn’t up to scratch…. All of that won’t matter 🙅🏼‍♀️ This is the final page your lead visits before making the decision to take your course or not, make sure it does your course justice and converts 🔥



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