3 things that should NOT hold you back from creating an online course

Aug 02, 2022
  • “You’re not an expert.” It’s easy to forget where you started. The things you deem “simple” (because you know it and have done it so many times), it’s those things your audience need to know. They don’t want a jam-packed course where you show off all your knowledge, they want the framework that got you from your chapter 1 to chapter 5. You don’t need to be an expert or have all the answers, you just need to know more than your audience. 
  • Don’t have enough content for a course? Because of an insecurity in most of us, we doubt the value we can share with others. So when we create a course, we think we need to jam-pack it with everything you know. Every bit of value and knowledge all shoved into one course to make it “worth” the price. The truth is, your audience doesn’t want ‘everything’. They want you to present them with a solution to their current challenge or struggle. If you can do that for them in an hour, that’s AMAZING! Congratulations, that’s a super valuable masterclass! 
  • Your follower count. You see big creators with thousands of followers promoting their courses, but don’t forget, they started at zero. Don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 6. You CAN launch a course without a big following, you just need the right strategy. 


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